Monday, 13 June 2011

Gardd Bodnant and Aberffraw

Hello out there, lovely folk of blogland!  How're you all keeping?

There's so much to tell you I hardly know where to start!  I've been so busy recently with one thing or another that blogging sort of slipped my mind, and now there's a big stack of stories, and an even bigger stack of photos!

Then this morning, there was a lovely message in my inbox from Lucy in the Sky which said "oi, where've you been?!".  To be fair, Lucy did put it much MUCH more sweetly than that, but I suspect that's what she meant :P

And the answer, really, is where haven't I been?!

A friend of mine came down from Leeds and together we visited Bodnant Garden (Gardd Bodnant in Welsh), which is a beautiful National Trust property full to bursting with amazing plants and views and wildlife.  I'll not bore you with all the photos I took (well into triple figures!), but here are a few of my favourites...

I was really glad we got to see the Laburnum Arch in bloom (it was just starting to turn) - the last time I visited Bodnant, it was all just twigs!

A couple of days later, I found myself at Aberffraw beach on the Isle of Anglesey.

I think I've always been a "beach baby".  There's something about water that I'm really drawn to, and I'm so happy that I live just a bus ride away from some really wonderful beaches...

The only problem is that I'm STILL finding sand in bags and shoes and clothes!

So there you go.  What with gardens and beaches and BBQs and other days out, there's been next to no time for crafting recently.  In fact, I've only managed to add a measly 7 rows to my scarf since I last showed it to you!!

But not to worry, I've been having a rather lovely time anyway ;)

Kim x


supertinks said...

Gorgeous photos!

Gumbo Lily said...

Beautiful gardens. How good of you to share.

K @ Aurora Blythe said...

The arch is amazing! I had never heard of this spectacular garden before. Thank you for introducing me to its verdant beauty. =)

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Wayne said...

It sounds like you have had an amazing summer.