
Thursday, 3 May 2012

Holy Wonderwool, Batman!

Wonderwool.  When asked about it, I can still only say things like "nnnngggghhh", or stare vaguely into the distance while my conversational partner backs away slowly.  I'll let the photos do the talking :)

 I started spinning as soon as I got home.  Some gorgeous merino went from this:


To this:

To this:

Veeeeeeeery quickly indeed!  And I have PLANS for it.  Oh yes, I have PLANS!  :D

If you were at Wonderwool, share your pics!  I'd love to see what you got! :) 


  1. I love the Title of this post and the photographs are brill. I have never been to Wonderwool it looks amazing. I really should stay away! :)

  2. I went to wonderful wonder wool and bought a spinning wheel.I keep angora goats and dye the mo with natural dyes i collect from the woods where i live. Spinning is new for me, but with all the wonderful fibre at wonder wool I am practising like mad.

  3. Lovely shots - I've taken two posts up with Wonderwoolliness (not that I bought a lot, mind. No really!

  4. Woooow

    what a paradies.
    great i like it!

    greatings send you Conny


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