
Thursday, 10 November 2011

Drumroll, please!

It's time to announce the winner of the Honeycomb pattern giveaway!  Here's my lovely assistant Miriam picking names from the project bag...

And here are the names she picked!

Step forward Tickety-Boo, omlair and Roaming Knitter!!  You are now the proud owners of the Honeycomb pattern!  :)  I'll send those through to you via the contact details you left later today.  I can't wait to see your take on the mitts - enjoy!!

Thank you to everyone who took part, I look forward to hosting another giveaway soon :)

But for now - you may have spied a new knit on the needles lurking behind those winners' names...  well I'm exceedingly (awesome word) excited about them.  So excited in fact, that this morning I woke up at 5 because I couldn't stop dreaming about getting the chart just right.  Absolutely bonkers, really, but oooooh it's gonna be worth it!!  ;)

Until next time,


  1. oh my oh my oh my!!!!!! Woo-hoo.
    Thank you very much I am chuffed to bits :) xxxxx

  2. congratulations to the other winners too!

  3. Congratulations to the winners :)

  4. Thank you!!! now to find the perfect yarn!


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