
Sunday, 19 June 2011

Left and Right

Hello all!  Such a lovely sunny day outside, I hope it's as pleasant where you are :)

I thought today I'd ask if there's anybody reading who crochets left handed?  I'm visiting home soon and my mum has asked if when I do I could teach her to crochet...

Now, we've tried this before and kind of failed because she's left handed and I use my right.  I attempted to switch hands to demonstrate, but I'm far from ambidextrous and just couldn't work it out.  When my mum tried to follow me, it felt just as odd for her to use her right hand as it did for me to use my left.  We sort of bumbled through how to chain and then gave up...

I've since watched a few videos on youtube (which we don't have access to at home) and I think I understand the idea behind it.  I used the videos to make the following step by step guides to give to mum.  I thought I'd share here in case they're of use to anyone else too :)  (The first is a guide to chaining, and the second is for an American single crochet.  Click on either picture to make larger).

I'm still working on the hdc, the dc and the trc but I'll share those too once they're done :)

I'm hoping these will help my mum to learn.  But if you have any tips to share - whether you're left or right handed - about how best to set about teaching someone something new, I'm all ears!

Until next time

Kim x


  1. How great is this - what a good daughter you are! I hope the tutorials work. Unfortunately I'm a fellow right-handed crocheter.

  2. How useful. Very clear diagrams. I hope your Mom manages to learn. It won't be through want of trying. :)

  3. I am a lefty and my best advice would be to describe what you are doing rather than show your mum, so she doesn't get confused by watching you. I just follow normal patterns - whether charts or written and just do them backwards. You could use a mirror, but that does get a bit confusing! Good luck!

  4. Well, the weather here wasn't so lovely, it rained all day!

    I'm left-handed, but I crochet right-handed.So no tips from me...

  5. I'm a lefty and when I learnt to crochet, the teacher said she could show me left handed, but I might as well try right handed and it's so natural. The thing is, the left hand is the yarn hand which to me is the important bit, the bit that does the work. Try teaching her to do it the same way you do it.

  6. oh, forgot to say - if you really do want to teach her left handed, the crochetspot has tutes for lefties as well as righties

  7. You could also teach her to crochet by having her watch you crochet in a mirror.

  8. Check the blog, she is left handed, you could ask her for tips and tricks! You can find the link in the blog of Lucy Attic24...

  9. here is Digitizing Services in it *&^85*756764^&%$5*&


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