
Tuesday, 10 May 2011

If Superheroes Knit...

Picture courtesy of My Modern Met
It's not often that I share stuff like this on the blog, (my poor facebook friends on the otherhand...), but this is simply just too brilliant to resist.  Plus, I heard it from Derren Brown, and he's pretty brilliant too (not just for bamboozling with his tricksy beard, but also for doing unbelievably good portraits like this one).  Anyhoo, this is a picture of Superman, made upside down from spools of thread.  Click on the link in the caption for more brilliance (including a version of the Last Supper and some Van Gogh!).

And speaking of Van Gogh (tenuous link alert!!), fellow Doctor Who fans may remember the episode in which the Doctor and his companion Amy visited the great painter... In this episode, Amy wore a very pretty red lace scarf:

Image via Google

Well, after the episode was first broadcast, there was a fair bit of excitement about the scarf on Rav, and many nerds fans such as myself went on to knit something similar as a tribute.  Unfortunately, I move house a lot, and somewhere along the line, my scarf was lost (in a wrong-bag-to-the-charity-shop type scenario I suspect).

But look!

I have some wool!  And I'm going to make myself another Amy scarf, this time using the slightly more complicated frost flowers pattern.  I absolutely cannot wait to begin.

First though, I have to complete my Tardis cowl...'s almost there.  Only one more pattern repeat to go, a light blocking and some buttons to sew on.  Fingers crossed, I'll have that done by tomorrow.

Lots and lots of geeky knitting going on at the moment at chez eggbird then, and it makes me very happy indeed :D

Have a lovely week,
Kim x

1 comment:

  1. oooooooo! Love Amy Pond! Love Amy Pond's scarf! I am a nerd an I am proud! Over use of exclamation mark alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Can't wait to see your Tardis cowl too.
    Who's a busy girl then?


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