
Saturday, 30 April 2011

Delia's Wedding Celebrations

Consider this my contribution to the Obligatory Royal Knees-Up Blog Posting bonanza ;)

I'd never really considered getting married before yesterday.  And then Kate looked stunning, and William suddenly became peculiarly attractive, and the little-est bridesmaid cranked up the "aaaww" factor with her hands over her ears on the balcony...  and for the first time EVER, I imagined what my wedding would be like should I ever have one.  This came as something of a shock to my mum (I've never had any desire to get married at all - my own mother once predicted that I would end up a cat lady!).  She's probably out buying hats now as I type!

Mostly we celebrated yesterday with Pimms and homemade battenburg cake (courtesy of my lovely friend Rachel).  Jolly spiffing, what!

Then when I got home, it was hooky time and while at the palace Kate was probably kicking off her heels and the Queen was probably shouting for someone to "get the kettle on", I added Delia's final square!

A monumentous occassion I'm sure you'll agree!  :P

I toyed with the idea of showing you where Delia's at now, but then I wanted to save her as a surprise until the border is finished, so you get to see her in all her Psycho glory :D

In the meantime, just imagine 13 large squares, 98 small squares, and 992 ends to tie in and you'll get the idea.  Needless to say that I'm VERY excited about it

Have a lovely bank holiday,
Kim x


  1. You made me laugh...I think Harry may still be available if you are quick! Delia looks fabulous can't wait to see her in all her glory :)

  2. Crochet looks great, can't wait to see it in all it's glory.

    I married at 21 and I'm quite glad I got it over with. I don't think I could be bothered with it now! My dad commented on the day that he gave us 2 years maximum and we're still together 11 years on ;-)

  3. Looking forward to seeing your finished project.
    Royal wedding was very watchable and enjoyable.
    Now since your into sewing do you think you could make your own dress? Perhaps with a crochet trim
    or will you start making lots of lovely blankets for your bottom drawer? !!!

  4. Oooh looking forward to seeing Delia! Looks very good so far. I've been destracted off my son's blanket by the African Flower pattern - will blog pics soon! We're in Bala tomorrow, hubby is preaching at the Evangelical Church, thought of you, I know we're still a ways from you though :) have a lovely weekend!

  5. That Delila looks like a saucy little minx! Can't wait to see her in all her glory.
    Love Tickety-boo

  6. Aww! That’s so sweet! Even I was this excited before my wedding. It has been 10 years that I am married now, and we are thinking about celebrating the ten years of joy and happiness in one of the San Francisco venues. Anyways, good luck to you and congratulations!


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